Tuesday 29 January 2013

LB: Technical Analysis

Suckerpunch (Opening scene)

Camerawork: Clip zooms inwards to a girl facing backwards to the camera,
Timing: 22 seconds.
Mise en scene: Stage location, bedroom, girl.
Soundtrack: Suckerpunch official song "Sweet Dreams" Dialogue "Everybody has a angel" etc.

Camerawork: Camera pans round girl, until it is a Mid-Shot of her on bed.
Timing:  13 seconds.
Mise en scene: Bedroom, rain, girl.
Soundtrack: Suckerpunch official song "Sweet Dreams" Digetic lightning strike"

Shot: Doctor in door as a Long - Shot, with a unfocused close up on girl.
Timing: 3 seconds.
Mise en scene: dark , doctor , Girl
Soundtrack:Suckerpunch official song "Sweet Dreams"

Shot: Over the shoulder shot pan to girl, tracking shot of girl
Timing: 3seconds
Mise en scene: doctor, girl
Soundtrack:Suckerpunch official song "Sweet Dreams" Heavy breathing

The Introduction of this film is very well done, the soundtrack, camerawork and mise-en-scene, all create a suspense filling  introduction. Right from the start it drags you in and wants you to watch the rest of the film. 

This film genre is not the same as the one we are choosing to do, however we are still able to learn from this film as there are many different camera techniques we want to achieve e.g. characters behind objects in the foreground

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