Tuesday 29 January 2013

JP: Technical Analysis

The Woman in Black : Opening scene


Shot: Close Up
Duration: 9 Seconds
Mise En Scene: Old fashioned teapot and tea cups with pouring motion. Colour wash dull

Shot: Close Up
Duration: 4 seconds
Mise En Scene: A rag dolls face drinking pretend tea from the tea cup

Shot: Close Up
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise En Scene: another doll (solid, china?) drinking pretend tea, opposite angle

Shot: Long/Establishing Shot
Duration: 4 seconds
Mise En Scene: scene of three girls on floor having tea party with old fashioned furniture and setting.

Shot: Mid Shot of doll
Duration: 2 seconds
Mise En Scene: Brushing the doll’s hair, other toys out of focus in foreground. Shows a childlike set up and scene

Shot: Mid
Duration: 2 seconds
Mise En Scene: Doll being tucked into bed. Girl does this gently showing the fragile nature of the scene

Shot:  Mid Shot
Duration:3 seconds
Mise En Scene: Old fashioned clothing, ribbons in hair, shows innocent little girls

Shot: Close up/ Mid shot
Duration: 2 seconds
Mise En Scene: focus on smiling girl, in focus in foreground

Shot: mid shot
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise En Scene: girls playing with old fashioned dolls in picnic like setting on carpet

Shot: long shot of the 3 girls, high angle looking down
Duration: 8 seconds
Mise En Scene: girls sitting on the floor, window and light from window, old style furniture and surroundings

Shot: mid/long shot
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise En Scene: same surroundings, girls move in unison

Shot: Zoom/ mid in on window
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise En Scene: feminine, gentle curtains

Shot: Mid Shot
Duration: 2 seconds
Mise En Scene: same old clothing, girls standing up

Shot: close up
Duration: 1 second
Mise En Scene: the girl’s black boot revealed as she stand up

Shot: close up
Duration: 1 second
Mise En Scene: cup falling from girl’s hand

Shot: close up
Duration: 2 seconds
Mise En Scene: cup smashes on the floor

Shot: close up
Duration: 2 seconds
Mise En Scene: girls black boots stepping on dolls

Shot: close up
Duration: 2 seconds
Mise en Scene: tea cup being crushed by black boot

Shot: close up
Duration:3 seconds
Mise en Scene: girls boot treading on the doll contrasts with earlier gentleness

Shot: mid shots
Duration: 5 seconds
Mise en Scene: girls walking in a line, expressionless. Attic in background

Shot: long shot, tracking back
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise en Scene: girls approaching slowly framed by window towards the end of the shot

Shot: close up
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise en Scene: handle of the window being opened by the girls hands

Shot: long shot
Duration:10 seconds
Mise En Scene: girls jump out the window in slow motion

Shot: still the same shot but starts to zoom out
Duration: 5 seconds
Mise En Scene: the room is shown , empty of the girls but with the toys in a mess on the floor

Shot: close up
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise En Scene: creepy, damaged doll shown in detail

Shot: zoom out
Duration: 4 seconds
Mise En Scene: scene lightens then cuts to black

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