Friday 18 January 2013

LB: Title Sequence Analysis.

Art of the Title.

Signs (Lebeda, 2002)

  • This opening credit is very simple, with just the use of a soundtrack and text; although it is simple it also works well, and makes it dramatic. 
  • The text also matches the tempo of the music. One problem about this however is the use of colours and that the text is reasonably hard to read, which is a big problem. 
  • However I do like the simplicity of the credits, and how it still manages to be dramatic when basic.  

Buried (Cortes, 2010)

  • This opening sequence is fairly straightforward however more complicated then Signs. Once again what is happening on the screen matches the soundtrack.  
  • The font chosen for the credits is suitable for the genre of the film and you can instantly gather the idea about the film from just the start. The colours used are clear and easy to read, the SFX used also works well with the text.

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