Friday 25 January 2013

LB: Generic Conventions


Source Code (Jones, 2011)

  • Close Up on main characters to show emotion and prevalence for main actor. It gives us an idea of who  main character is, the hero of the clip.
  • Dramatic and suspense non-digetic soundtrack to create suspense and set pace of clip.
  • Dark low key lighting to set a dark atmosphere.
  • Fast Paced Editing to set the tempo of the film, knowing that it will be a fast paced film.

    Let Me In (Reeves, 2010)

    • Un-conventional soundtrack for horror. Normally slow-paced dramatic music.
    • Typical "help me" scene, dark and scary tunnel, low-key lighting, un-knowing of what may happen.
    • The usage of the colour red and blood connotes the murder/death theme of the film.
    • Lots of close ups and prevalence on child actors, aware they are main characters.

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