Thursday 31 January 2013

Group: Thriller or Horror Decision

As a group we have decided to aim for a horror themed opening with some aspects and conventions of thrillers. We have looked at many current horror and thriller films and revised the different shots used in the conventions of these films. These include:

  • Dark lighting to set the scene
  • Music to set the tense atmosphere
  • Bright lighting to juxtapose the Darker scenes
  • Use of rule of 3rds
  • Positioning characters
  • Appropriate locations e.g remote and isolated places
  • Appropriate diegetic and non-diegetic sound

1 comment:

  1. Good. Be clear in your mind what the genre you are working on is. It is ok to draw on conventions of others but it needs to be distinct one of the other - you plot should tell you which it is.
