Saturday 19 January 2013

CC: Title Sequence Analysis

Six feet under (Ball, 2001)

  • The pan from the sky down to the shot of the single tree in the field connotes the idea of isolation and loneliness.
  • The dark colours used throughout connote the idea of death and sadness. 
  • The darkness is juxtaposed in the next shot of the dead person being wheeled through the hospital because at the end of the hall way it shows a bright light, connoting the idea that after death is happiness.
  • The dying flower reinforces the idea of sadness and death as the leaves turn from a light colour to a dark colour.
  • The shot of the clock's hand's spinning fast connotes the idea that the plot is fast paced. 
  • The sketch in the background of the fighter jet connotes the idea of war.
  • The picture of the love heart connotes the idea of love and break ups.
  • Fast-paced, non-diegetic sound suggests that the plot will also be fast-paced.


  1. Use stills from the clip if you are unable to enable video on here Chris
