Thursday 31 January 2013

Group: Audience Research

Click on this to take you to our Survey

  • Are Audience research was very helpful as we have realised what we want to achieve is a popular choice.
  • The target audience are majority teenagers, but are information is still helpful.
  • Characters and locations chosen were the most popular choice.
  • Overall this was very helpful as we are now able to to go on with our film with the confidence that what we want to do is what wants to be seen by others.
  • The questions we asked were all closed multiple choice questions, as we wanted it be quick and easy to answer to get a more reliable response.
  • We ended up with a good bunch of resultsfrom a range of 40+ people anserwing, we didnt get any answers that were deliberatley stupid or un helpful.
  • Now that we have got this information we can start thinking about putting together a full idea and storyboard before filming.

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