Sunday 27 January 2013

JP: Generic Conventions


The Departed (Scorsese, 2006)

  • The narrative is centred around crime as is conventional of thrillers
  • Quick cutting rate connotes action and a fast paced plotline.
  • The characters are shown to be undercover and themes of identity are common conventions for thrillers
  • The city setting gives a sense of realism
  • Dark, low-key lighting is used in some many scenes to create a sense of suspense and dangerous atmosphere. Film noir style lighting is also used, further creating a sense of suspense and mystery.
  • There is a lot of violence shown which is common in thrillers
  • The trailer features both diegetic sounds (such as the gun noises) and non diegetic music that conform to conventions of thrillers. However there is some non diegetic music featured that is unconventional of thrillers showing that there are other elements to the film as thrillers often combine with other genres.

Texas Chainsaw (Luessenhop, 2013)

  • The isolated setting for the plot as well as an old unused house as is conventional of horrors
  • Low-key lighting and use of shadows to create sense of unknown, fear and mystery
  • The low angles and close ups only partially reveal the villain so it does not reveal the identity of the antagonist to the audience. A mirror is used to show a small part of the face of the character, this is also a common convention of horror
  • There is conventional non-diegetic music for tension as well as diegetic sounds of screaming, creaking doors and the chainsaw which creates tension and anticipation and makes it clear to the audience the genre and style of the film


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