Monday 4 February 2013

Group: Soundtrack

Soundtrack Ideas

We have listened to a variety of soundtracks for inspiration for the soundtrack for our opening sequence.

Sucker Punch - We really liked the music in the opening sequence of Sucker Punch and the fact that it was a cover of a well-known song, re-recorded to fit with the style of the film. We are considering recording our own soundtrack for the opening sequence.

28 Days Later - We really like the style of the music from this film and it is very conventional of the style we want to crete. However the song is very well-known and has been used a lot in films.


The Shining - We liked the simplicity of the soundtrack used in The Shining and the way the music builds up which could be used to emphasize particularly dramatic parts of the film. This soundtrack is also well known so if we were to use a well known piece such as this we may record our own cover of the song.

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