Tuesday 26 February 2013

Group: Location Reccie/Starting To Film.

Location Reccie.

At the start of the half-term we had to find a new location. We looked in Tonbridge mostly and parts of Tunbridge Wells for a location suitable for filming our opening sequence. We found several different possible locations, each with advantages and disadvantages. From this initially we found where we wanted to film and arranged a date to start filming. We did some test shots and we found some problems with the location. However, we experimented with the lighting and acting.

  • The location chosen works quite well, however we may need to find a new location.
  • We were not happy with the filming inside, and we believe that it would be hard to get the lighting right.
  • The actors chosen did not fit what we were looking for, and we may need a new cast.
  • Camera angles and shots worked reasonably well, but we need to include more of our A - grade shots.

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