Friday 1 February 2013

Group: Movie Synopsis

Whole Film


Clip starts with montage titles - Pictures being scratched put on a wall, interacts with titles.

Cuts. With a boy and girl (teenagers) who find an abandoned house, In the house he hears a young girl calling for help so the boy enters on his own, girl stays outside. She is in a empty room with pictures of 100s of people on the wall some with crosses on. The boy goes over to help the girl and it cuts after she looks up at boy.

Young girl is filmed walking away from the house with a picture of the couple which now has a cross on the boy, knowing that the girl is the next target.

After Opening:

The murder is reported and at the scene a picture of the boy is on the wall with a cross on it. There is also footage found on a small camera of both the boy and the girl (teenager), from all times of the day. The footage is not released to anybody.

As the film progesses more characters are found dead, and more footgae is revealed, the police use the picture evidence to work out the next targets and try and stop the murders.

Police work out a pattern of the way people have been killed, and realise the symbol for murder is the way people are dying, therefore they know who the last person is (Girl from the start) , and try to stop the murder by protecting her.

The film ends on a cliffhanger, and the audience are unaware if the girl has survived or not.

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