Thursday 28 February 2013

Group: Final StoryBoard

  • Final Storyboard - Few filler shots missing that will be added. 
  • Right corner (bottom) shows length, arrows movement, and dialogue, angle etc. in writing.
  • Last two story boards are a small representation of what the mini montage will be.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Group: Location Reccie/Starting To Film.

Location Reccie.

At the start of the half-term we had to find a new location. We looked in Tonbridge mostly and parts of Tunbridge Wells for a location suitable for filming our opening sequence. We found several different possible locations, each with advantages and disadvantages. From this initially we found where we wanted to film and arranged a date to start filming. We did some test shots and we found some problems with the location. However, we experimented with the lighting and acting.

  • The location chosen works quite well, however we may need to find a new location.
  • We were not happy with the filming inside, and we believe that it would be hard to get the lighting right.
  • The actors chosen did not fit what we were looking for, and we may need a new cast.
  • Camera angles and shots worked reasonably well, but we need to include more of our A - grade shots.

Group: Title Ideas

  • These are the title ideas for our opening sequence.
  • These fonts fit the generic horror film conventions.
  • We are going to use the top font style as we think that this is the most appropriate for our film.

Monday 25 February 2013

Group: Original Pitch & Idea Changes.


  • Making it more modern, mise-en-scene, props, original ideas. - Crossing pictures of the wall, Young Girl can use new technology to get pictures, makes it more modern. Looking through camera of dead pictures of people.
  • A Grade shots and techniques will make our opening sequence be original and stand out.
  • Confirmed Location and confirmed Actors.
  • Mise-en-scene- historic clothing changed to modern day clothing, but still dirty and bland.
  • Soundtrack - Decided we are making are own soundtrack.
  • Titles - Try to use after effects, create an effect where text it interacts with the clips.

Group: Update

We have done some practice shots in two locations to test out different styles, types of shot, cameras and lighting.
We may use some of these practice shots for our final opening film.
We have a preliminary storyboard and story idea but we may make some adjustments after trying out some of the ideas on our location reccie.
From these practices, we have made decisions about some key shots we would like to use.
We found that using a second camera for point of view shots and handheld shots worked well and we would like to incorporate this into our film.
We found that high angle and birds-eye view shots worked well for establishing shots of locations
We would like to include close-ups and extreme close-ups
We may use tilts and panning shots to show/follow characters.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Group: Animatic

(Unable to embed video)

  • This is video of all our final storyboard shots. Some of these shots may be subject to change depending on time, equipment and people involved.

  • We have realised that after putting together are animatic with the shots at the times we wanted, that we do not meet the 2 minute criteria and therefore will be using filler shots or different establishing shots to make it longer.

  • This was useful to us as we arew now aware of what needs to be done to achieve a high level for our final piece.

Friday 15 February 2013

Group: Wildnerness Woods

Final Wilderness Woods.

  • We are really happy with the outcome of are film made on the trip.
  • We used alot of shots that we are planning to use, are A-grade shots consist of the "bag shot" and the pan inside the little bilding.
  • The sondtrack worked well and was suitable for the clip used, however the soundtrack was a song from YouTube and not our own.
  • One issue was the focusing on the camera, as in some shots the clips came out grainy, this was because we were manual focusing.
  • Another issue was the continuity editing and in places we did not have enough shots to keep the clip running.

Monday 4 February 2013

CC: Storyboard Shots


  • The first shot will be a mid-shot of an abandoned, derelict house, using low-key lighting.
  • The second shot is of the boyfriend and girlfriend walking into the abandoned house, intrieged.
  • The third shot is a mid-shot from behind of the young girl crossing off a picture on the wall of a person with blood.
  • The boy walks upstairs and after a short period of time the girl follows, to find the boy dead on the floor and the young girl in shock from the point of view of the young girl.

Group: Soundtrack

Soundtrack Ideas

We have listened to a variety of soundtracks for inspiration for the soundtrack for our opening sequence.

Sucker Punch - We really liked the music in the opening sequence of Sucker Punch and the fact that it was a cover of a well-known song, re-recorded to fit with the style of the film. We are considering recording our own soundtrack for the opening sequence.

28 Days Later - We really like the style of the music from this film and it is very conventional of the style we want to crete. However the song is very well-known and has been used a lot in films.


The Shining - We liked the simplicity of the soundtrack used in The Shining and the way the music builds up which could be used to emphasize particularly dramatic parts of the film. This soundtrack is also well known so if we were to use a well known piece such as this we may record our own cover of the song.

Group: Moodboard

Friday 1 February 2013

JP: Storyboard Shots

These story board pictures are from openings and trailers of films in the horror genre that I like and could possibly incorporate some of the ideas into our own opening sequence

  • The first picture is from the Sinister trailer
  • It is a close up of a mans face and uses the reflection in his glasses to show what he is looking at.
  • The completely dark background makes his face the only focus of the shot and it stands out against the dark background with the orange colour of his face connoting fire.

  • The second storyboard drawing is from the opening of Zombieland
  • It is a long overhead shot using the rule of thirds to focus the eye on the body
  • Text overlays the image while also seeming to be part of the image

  • The third picture is from the opening of The Woman in Black 
  • It features a long shot of three girls standing in open windows
  • The girls are framed by the window frame making them stand out in the image.
  • The mostly dark image contrasts with the bright light from the windows

  • The fourth picture is from the opening of Se7en 
  • It is an extreme close up of someones fingers holding a blade
  • The extreme close up reveals a lot of detail within an image that would not have been seen in a longer shot

Group: Movie Synopsis

Whole Film


Clip starts with montage titles - Pictures being scratched put on a wall, interacts with titles.

Cuts. With a boy and girl (teenagers) who find an abandoned house, In the house he hears a young girl calling for help so the boy enters on his own, girl stays outside. She is in a empty room with pictures of 100s of people on the wall some with crosses on. The boy goes over to help the girl and it cuts after she looks up at boy.

Young girl is filmed walking away from the house with a picture of the couple which now has a cross on the boy, knowing that the girl is the next target.

After Opening:

The murder is reported and at the scene a picture of the boy is on the wall with a cross on it. There is also footage found on a small camera of both the boy and the girl (teenager), from all times of the day. The footage is not released to anybody.

As the film progesses more characters are found dead, and more footgae is revealed, the police use the picture evidence to work out the next targets and try and stop the murders.

Police work out a pattern of the way people have been killed, and realise the symbol for murder is the way people are dying, therefore they know who the last person is (Girl from the start) , and try to stop the murder by protecting her.

The film ends on a cliffhanger, and the audience are unaware if the girl has survived or not.

Group: Treatment


  • Boyfriend and girlfriend
  • Young girl
  • Detective


  • Montage shots of young girl crossing off pictures of people on a wall
  • Next shot of the couple finding an abandoned house and the boy enters
  • Young girl walks away into the distance as she has been released from the police.


  • We are going to include diegetic and non-diegetic sound helping to create a tense atmosphere for the audience. 


  • Casual clothing
  • Low-key lighting juxtaposed by high-key lighting


  • Interacting with whats on screen
  • Matched with music