Friday 15 March 2013

Group: Blood Photographs/Deaths/Fake blood

Making fake blood for photos.           

  • We made the fake blood using Cornflour, coffee, sugar and food colouring as we had seen in a video on YouTube.
  • We made the blood for the photoshoot of characters who have already been killed as part of the backstory. These photos will appear in shots in the background and also the shot of the main character to reveal that he has died.


  • We set up scenes of death on Liam's kitchen floor of friends and ourselves pretending to have died. We drew the symbol on the skin of all the dead people using black eyeliner.

  • We dripped the fake blood over the faces of the dead people and then splattered it over the floor to try and create realistic blood splatter patterns.

  • We edited the photographs using Photoshop Elements to remove the yellowness of the images.

  • We then increased the contrast and decreased the saturation to make dark and more mysterious images.

We are pleased with the outcome of the images on their own but we are still concerned about how they will appear on film.

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