Wednesday 27 March 2013

Group: Update

Today is the first deadline to have a finished clip before we recieve our feedback and add the finishing touches. We are not completely happy with parts of what has been achieved so far, for some parts however we are pleased, but believe with extra time we have good enough material to have a good opening.

In todays lesson we need to add the titles, and a finishing soundtrack, our film opening today will not be the very best we can do, so hopfully with some positive feedback we will be able to achieve what we want to do.

Things we have done since last time

We used after effects for a blackening effect on the eyes of our killer, it worked really well and we are happy with the outcome. This was done by masking the eyes and tracking the movement of the eyes giving the effect of the eyes having disappeared.

Monday 18 March 2013

Group: Update

  • Over the weekend we re-filmed a large amount of our opening sequence as we had been having problems with our sound and wanted to improve on our storyline.
  • We had to re-film all the shots featuring dialogue as the sound had not picked up as well as we hoped. This time we used a dictaphone simultaneously when filming to get a better quality of sound in dialogue. 
  • We have also filmed the final part of the opening using a collage of pictures we took and blood we made on Friday as well parts of maps and chalk drawings of symbols and images to cover a blackboard that we filmed to show that the murder in the film is part of a serial killing

Friday 15 March 2013

Group: Blood Photographs/Deaths/Fake blood

Making fake blood for photos.           

  • We made the fake blood using Cornflour, coffee, sugar and food colouring as we had seen in a video on YouTube.
  • We made the blood for the photoshoot of characters who have already been killed as part of the backstory. These photos will appear in shots in the background and also the shot of the main character to reveal that he has died.


  • We set up scenes of death on Liam's kitchen floor of friends and ourselves pretending to have died. We drew the symbol on the skin of all the dead people using black eyeliner.

  • We dripped the fake blood over the faces of the dead people and then splattered it over the floor to try and create realistic blood splatter patterns.

  • We edited the photographs using Photoshop Elements to remove the yellowness of the images.

  • We then increased the contrast and decreased the saturation to make dark and more mysterious images.

We are pleased with the outcome of the images on their own but we are still concerned about how they will appear on film.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Problems with Filming

  • We have been trying to film some more shots for our opening recently as we feel that the sequence is lacking some shots and continuity.
  • We planned to film at the weekend however the weather was drastically different with heavy snowfall affecting our location. We tried a couple of shots trying to avoid revealing the snow however it was very difficult to keep continuity and the shots did not work so we were unable to use the footage.
  • We still need to film this footage however there is still problems with weather and continuity. We have set a couple of dates to film and we are hoping that at least one of these dates will be unaffected by the weather and the snow will have cleared. We also think we will be able to film some shots inside to add to our sequence

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Group: Mise-en-scene


To make the characters look more like a couple we suggested that they wore similar clothing so they both wore christmas jumpers. We thought that having similar clothing would have connotations of being close with each other

Scary girl: We wanted the girl inside the building to appear dark and dangerous so she wore black and dark clothing connoting the girl as being evil.

The Close-ups we want to show a supernatural quality by blackening out her eyes with After Effects and use of makeup.


Polaroid Camera - We are using the camera to be seen and to make the printing of images instant to keep the pace of the sequence quicker. We also are using the diagetic sound of the camera to make it clear the action is happening.

Photos - We are using photos of other people being dead to hint at the plotline if the film was to continue and show that there have been previous deaths in the plot

Pinboard/Blackboard - to display the pictures in close ups

Fake Blood - we are making blood from a recipe we found on YouTube using coffee, cornstarch, sugar and food colouring

Sunday 3 March 2013

Group: Filming.

Today we started to film for our actual piece, we are really happy with what we accomplished today however there is still some parts to film, these include the montage parts which will be filmed at a different place.

The video shows a sped up version of us filming today. All shots filmed outside the location worked well and we are happy with the outcome. - The lighting worked extremely well and we managed to get a variety of shots in.

One problem again was footage from the inside of the shelter, however we tried to combat the problem by using artifiicial light to make it brighter, which was succesful.

Here is a video of the set-up and filming at the location.